Exposure and Health effects
Chemical Toxicity Aflatoxin waste Disposal of aflatoxins Lead poisoning Toxic effects on adults and children Mercury poisoning Symptoms and Health effects of Hg Arsenic poisoningOccurence and health effects PAH's Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PCB's Polychlorinated Biphenyls TLV Threshold Limit Values MAC Max Allowable Concentrations Dioxins Toxicity of Dioxins Organophosphorus pedticidesOccurence and toxicity Organochlorine PesticidesToxic effects Pesticides in TTGarden Chemicals Signature: Dhanlal De Lloyd, Chem. Dept, The University of The West Indies, St. Augustine campusThe Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Copyright: delloyd2000© All rights reserved.